July 25, 2024

Get Fit in a Week: Indian GM Diet Plan

Looking for a proven weight loss strategy? Explore the 7-Day GM Diet Plan, tailored for Indians. Start your journey to a healthier you.

If you are looking to lose weight but can’t find a suitable diet plan that meets your dietary preferences, the Indian version of the General Motors (GM) diet plan may be the perfect solution for you. In this article, we’ll explore the origins of the GM diet and the tailored Indian version, along with its benefits and a day-by-day guide to follow.

Origins of the GM Diet Plan The GM diet plan was originally created in 1985 by the General Motors company in the United States to promote healthy eating habits among employees. The plan initially prescribed a standard American diet consisting of beef, fruits, and vegetables. However, this posed a challenge for Indians due to the unavailability of beef and unfamiliarity with American food choices.

To address this, the GM Diet Plan Indian Version was developed, taking into account local dietary requirements and preferences. Keep reading to learn more about this program and its benefits!

Differences Between the Original GM Diet and the Indian Version The original GM diet was designed with the average American’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) in mind, which is significantly different from that of Indians due to lifestyle and climate differences. Additionally, the original plan only allowed beef as the protein choice, which was replaced with chicken, mutton, fish, cottage cheese, or tofu in the Indian version. The inclusion of curd, cucumbers, and local greens makes the Indian version more suited to the Indian palate.

Benefits of the GM Diet Indian Version Program Here are some of the key benefits of the GM Diet Indian Version program:

  1. It makes the diet program more interesting and accessible for Indians to try.
  2. Addition of high-fiber fruits and vegetables can aid in better digestion.
  3. Inclusion of yogurt can cool down the body in hot weather, along with increasing the gut bacteria.
  4. Consuming local produce is always beneficial due to high retention of nutrients.
  5. The Indian version diet is also economical compared to the original plan.
  6. You can customize the diet by using your regular menu and following the do’s and don’ts of the program.

Do’s of the Indian GM Diet To achieve the best results from the program, here’s what you should do:

  1. Find alternative food choices to those in the original plan that are unavailable or unfamiliar. For example, you can replace an apple with an orange or lettuce with leeks, depending on availability.
  2. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  3. Rely more on salads and juices than fully cooked food.
  4. Replace all meat products with plant-based foods.

Don’ts of the Indian GM Diet Here are the things to avoid during the program:

  1. Don’t consume bananas on the first day.
  2. Don’t add spices or oil to your cooking.
  3. Avoid deep-fried foods.
  4. Cut down on your sugar and salt intake throughout the program.
  5. Say no to coffee and tea; switch to healthy green tea instead.

The Seven-Day GM Diet Plan Indian Version

Day 1: Fruits

Fruits On the first day of the diet, you can consume any type of fruit except bananas, as they contain a high amount of carbohydrates. You can have as much fruit as you want, along with at least ten to twelve glasses of water throughout the day.

Day 2: Vegetables

Vegetables On the second day, you need to consume all types of vegetables. You can have potatoes for breakfast to boost your energy levels, and a mixture of boiled green vegetables or vegetable soup for lunch and dinner.

Day 3: Fruits and Vegetables

On the third day of the GM Diet Indian Version, you can consume a combination of fruits and vegetables, except for bananas. It is important to drink at least ten to twelve glasses of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and aid in digestion.

Day 4: Bananas and Milk

Bananas and Milk On the fourth day, you can consume up to six bananas and drink three glasses of milk. You can also have a bowl of vegetable soup to avoid any hunger pangs. Bananas provide the body with essential carbohydrates and potassium, while milk provides calcium and proteins.

Day 5: Rice and Tomatoes

Rice and Tomatoes On the fifth day, you can have one cup of rice along with six tomatoes. You can also consume a bowl of vegetable soup to stay full. Tomatoes help to flush out excess toxins from the body and rice provides energy to the body.

Day 6: Vegetables and Rice

Vegetables and Rice On the sixth day, you can have one cup of rice with a mixture of vegetables or vegetable soup. You can also include a cup of curd or yogurt to replenish the good bacteria in your gut.

Day 7: Brown Rice, Vegetables, and Fruit Juice

Brown Rice, Vegetables, and Fruit Juice On the final day of the diet, you can consume one cup of brown rice along with a mixture of vegetables and fruit juice. This will provide the body with all the essential nutrients and energy to sustain itself.


The Indian version of the GM diet plan is a great way to kick-start your weight loss journey. It includes a combination of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, along with rice, to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. However, it is important to note that this diet should not be followed for more than seven days at a time, and it is important to consult a doctor before starting any new diet or exercise program.

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