July 27, 2024

How to Start Writing on Substack and Outrank Other Websites

The Ultimate Guide to Writing on Substack and Outperforming Other Websites

Substack is a platform that allows writers to create their own newsletters and reach a large audience. If you’re looking to start writing on Substack, there are a few things you need to know to get started and outrank other websites.

Create Compelling Content

The first step to outranking other websites on Substack is to create compelling content. This means that you need to write articles that are engaging, informative, and well-researched. You want to create content that will keep your audience coming back for more.

To create compelling content, you need to understand your audience and what they’re interested in. You should also have a clear understanding of what makes your writing unique and what sets it apart from other writers.

Optimize Your Articles for Search Engines

The second step to outranking other websites on Substack is to optimize your articles for search engines. This means that you need to use keywords in your articles that will help them rank higher in search engines like Google.

To optimize your articles for search engines, you should do the following:

  • Use relevant keywords in your articles
  • Include meta descriptions and tags in your articles
  • Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your articles
  • Use internal links to link to other articles on your website

Build Backlinks

The third step to outranking other websites on Substack is to build backlinks. Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. These links are important because they help search engines understand that other websites think your website is valuable and relevant.

To build backlinks, you should do the following:

  • Reach out to other websites and ask them to link to your articles
  • Write guest posts for other websites and include links to your website in your author bio
  • Participate in online forums and include a link to your website in your signature

Promote Your Articles on Social Media

The fourth step to outranking other websites on Substack is to promote your articles on social media. This means that you need to share your articles on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

To promote your articles on social media, you should do the following:

  • Share your articles on your personal social media accounts
  • Join relevant groups and communities on social media and share your articles with those communities
  • Use hashtags to make it easier for people to find your articles on social media


By following these steps, you can start writing on Substack and outrank other websites. Remember to focus on creating compelling content, optimizing your articles for search engines, building backlinks, and promoting your articles on social media. With time and effort, you’ll be able to build a large and engaged audience on Substack.

3 thoughts on “How to Start Writing on Substack and Outrank Other Websites

  1. I just read your article and I’m so inspired by your journey! I like the way you weave stories, anecdotes, and personal experiences together to make a captivating narrative. Keep up the great work

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