July 25, 2024

China Prioritizes Early Diagnosis and Treatment for Vulnerable Groups Amid Rising Covid Deaths

World Health Organization criticizes China’s explanation of Covid-19 deaths as ‘too limited

China has reported a staggering 60,000 deaths due to the coronavirus within a month, marking the highest figures released since the country halted its zero-covid policy.

Despite China’s claims of accurate reporting, there have been accusations of underreporting the death toll from the virus. Evidence from hospitals and cemeteries shows a much higher number of deaths. According to official reports, 59,938 deaths from Covid were recorded in China between December 8 and January 12.

The majority of the deceased were individuals over the age of 80 who already had underlying health conditions. However, the actual number of deaths may be much higher as these figures only account for deaths recorded in medical centers. In response to criticism, Beijing recently changed the way it classifies Covid-related deaths, leading to a spike in reported numbers. The World Health Organization has criticized China’s explanation of the deaths as too limited.

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